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Tropical Leaves


I represented dance with lines and swirls in movement.

God doesn’t want a relationship with us that is plodding along, but rather an exciting dance that moves with grace and beauty. He wants us to follow His lead. When you watch a couple dance, if they are good they move with grace and form together. One partner is the leader, and the other one follows the lead, dancing this way is fluid and beautiful. If both partners are trying to lead, it is the opposite of grace. It looks awkward and painful. We need to follow the lead of the Spirit within us, He is in tune with God, and knows the paths and steps we should take. A life lived with the Spirit is not meant to be a life of marching or plodding (following orders to the letter of the law). It is to be intimate, graceful, loving and joyful no matter what the circumstances are (following the lead of your heavenly Father, The Bridegroom). His plans for us are to give us hope and a future, to prosper us not to harm us. He means to enrich us with an adventurous, purposeful life, one that is full of the joy of the Lord. If we do not follow the lead of God, and try to be the ones in charge of our life, life will be awkward and painful, eventually leading to our destruction.

1Thessalonians 4:1-7





The glaze on the front is Blue caprice..

Size is4 cm by 4 cm



The glaze on the front is Lustre green.

Size is 7 cm by 6.6 cm





The glaze on the front is Blueberry spice.

Size is 5.5 cm by 5 cm

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