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Tropical Leaves

Good News

I represented Good News by feet or shoes

This is to remind us that beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news. Good News is the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Jesus' life, death and resurrection and the hope that He gives humanity.

Isaiah 52:7 (NIV) How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, " your God reigns!" 




Good News

The glaze on the front is Burnished steel. It was fired in a Raku firing. Raku pieces are done in a fire, then taken out red hot, put into combustible material and covered so that no more oxygen will get in.

Size is 3 cm by 3 cm


Good News


The glaze on the front is Grape with color shift accents that shifts gold to purple.

Size is 4 cm by 4 cm




Good News

The glaze on the front is Copper adventurine (which sparkles with gold glitter in the sunlight)

Size is 5 cm by 5.2 cm

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